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导读:The English translation of "mein" is "my" or "mine". It is a possessive pronoun used to indicate ownership or...

The English translation of "mein" is "my" or "mine". It is a possessive pronoun used to indicate ownership or belonging. It can also be used as a determiner before a noun, such as "my book" or "my house".

"Mein" is derived from the German word "mein", which has the same meaning and usage. It is commonly used in both spoken and written English, and can be found in various contexts.

In addition to indicating possession, "mein" can also be used to express a strong emotional attachment or identification with something. For example, "my country", "my family", or "my beliefs".

The usage of "mein" is similar to other possessive pronouns like "your", "his", and "her". However, it differs from these pronouns in that it cannot be used as a subject in a sentence. For example, we can say "Your book is on the table", but we cannot say "*Mein book is on the table".

Here are some examples of how to use "mein" in sentences:

1. This is mein car. (This car belongs to me.)

2. Mein parents are coming over for dinner tonight. (My parents)

3. I love mein job. (I am emotionally attached to my job.)

4. Do you like mein new dress? (My new dress)

5. Mein dog is very friendly towards strangers. (My dog)

In conclusion, the English translation of "mein" is an important possessive pronoun that indicates ownership, belonging, and emotional attachment in various contexts. Its usage follows similar patterns as other possessive pronouns but cannot be used as a subject in a sentence.

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