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worry about的中文是什么

导读:释义:worry about是一个英语短语,意为担心,忧虑,常用于表达对某件事情的担忧或不安。用法:worry about通常作为动词短语使用,后面...

释义:worry about是一个英语短语,意为“担心”,“忧虑”,常用于表达对某件事情的担忧或不安。

用法:worry about通常作为动词短语使用,后面接宾语或动词-ing形式。:“She is worried about her son's safety.”(她担心她儿子的安全。) “I am worrying about my upcoming exam.”(我正在担心即将到来的考试。)


1. I always worry about my children when they are out late at night.


2. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself.


3. She worries a lot about her job, even on weekends.


4. He is worrying about the weather forecast for his outdoor wedding.


5. The parents were worried sick when their child didn't come home on time.



1. Despite being reassured by the doctors, she couldn't help but worry about her health after the surgery.


2. He is always worrying about the future, instead of enjoying the present moment.


3. The students are worried about their grades after the difficult exam.


4. She can't s worrying about her financial situation, even though she has a stable job.


5. Don't worry too much about the small details, focus on the bigger picture.


总结:worry about是一个常用的英语短语,表示对某件事情的担忧或忧虑。它可以作为动词短语使用,后面接宾语或动词-ing形式。使用时要注意上下文和语境,避免过度担忧影响生活质量。



  • worry about的中文是什么
    worry about的中文是什么
    2024-08-17 16:46:26
    释义:worry about是一个英语短语,意为担心,忧虑,常用于表达对某件事情的担忧或不安。用法:worry about通常作为动词短语使用,后面
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