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导读:- Meaning:A thickener is a substance that is added to a liquid or food to increase its viscosity or thickness

- Meaning:

A thickener is a substance that is added to a liquid or food to increase its viscosity or thickness.

- Usage:

Thickeners are commonly used in cooking and food processing to improve the texture and consistency of various dishes.

- Example sentences:

1. The chef added a spoonful of cornstarch as a thickener to the sauce, making it rich and creamy.

2. Some common thickeners used in Asian cuisine include tapioca starch, potato starch, and arrowroot powder.

3. Pectin is often used as a thickener in jams and jellies, giving them a smooth and spreadable texture.

4. Many dairy products contain carrageenan, which acts as a thickener and stabilizer to prevent separation of ingredients.

5. Xanthan gum is a popular gluten-free thickener that can be used in sauces, dressings, and baked goods.

- Synonyms and usage:

1. Stabilizer - This term can be used interchangeably with thickener when referring to substances that improve the texture of liquids or foods.

2. Gelatin - This protein-based thickener is commonly used in desserts such as puddings and mousses.

3. Emulsifier - In addition to its emulsifying properties, this ingredient can also act as a thickener in salad dressings and sauces.

4. Agar - Derived from seaweed, this plant-based thickener is often used in vegan cooking as an alternative to gelatin.

5. Gum arabic - This natural gum is commonly used as a thickening agent in soft drinks and candies.

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