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startup company是什么意思?

导读:意思:startup company是指刚刚成立的、处于初创阶段的公司,通常是由一群有抱负的创业者共同创建的,旨在开发新产品或服务,并希望将其

意思:startup company是指刚刚成立的、处于初创阶段的公司,通常是由一群有抱负的创业者共同创建的,旨在开发新产品或服务,并希望将其推向市场。

用法:startup company通常用作一个名词短语,表示一家初创公司。它可以用来描述任何类型的新兴企业,包括科技公司、零售商、餐饮企业等。


1. This startup company was founded by a group of young entrepreneurs with a passion for technology. 这家初创公司由一群对科技充满热情的年轻企业家共同创建。

2. The startup company received a large investment from a venture capital firm to help them grow their business. 这家初创公司获得了风险投资公司的大笔投资,以帮助他们发展业务。

3. As a startup company, we face many challenges, but we are determined to succeed and disrupt the market. 作为一家初创公司,我们面临着许多挑战,但我们决心成功并颠覆市场。

4. Many successful startup companies have started in garages or dorm rooms with just a few people and limited resources. 许多成功的初创公司都是从车库或宿舍房间开始,只有少数人和有限的资源。

5. The government has launched initiatives to support and promote the growth of startup companies in the country. 已推出计划,支持和促进该国初创公司的发展。

同义词及用法:startup company也可以被称为startup、start-up、new venture等。它们都指代同样的概念,即处于初创阶段的公司。另外,也可以用terms like "emerging company"或"early-stage company"来描述startup company。

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