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wanting可以作为形容词使用,也可以作为动词的现在分词形式。作为形容词时,它通常放在名词前面修饰该名词。:a wanting solution(一个不够完善的解决方案);a wanting performance(一场表演欠佳)。作为动词的现在分词时,它通常和be动词连用,表示某人或某物正在经历缺乏、不足的状态。:She is wanting in confidence(她缺乏自信);The team is wanting in experience(这支球队经验不足)。


1. Her performance was wanting, and she knew she needed to improve.(她的表演欠佳,她知道自己需要改进。)

2. The company's financial situation is wanting, and they may have to make some tough decisions.(公司的财务状况不足,他们可能不得不做出一些艰难的决定。)

3. The hotel's amenities were found to be wanting by many guests.(很多客人这家酒店的设施不够完善。)

4. He is not wanting in talent, but he lacks the necessary discipline.(他并不缺乏才华,但他缺乏必要的纪律。)

5. The team's performance was wanting in the first half, but they made a comeback in the second half.(这支球队上半场表现不足,但下半场却发挥出色。)


1. lacking:意为“缺少”,可以作为动词或形容词使用。:The team is lacking in experience(这支球队经验不足);The company is lacking funds(公司缺少资金)。

2. deficient:意为“不足的”,通常用来形容某物的数量或质量不够。:The report is deficient in details(这份报告缺乏细节);The team's defense was deficient in the last game(这支球队在上一场比赛中防守有所欠缺)。

3. inadequate:意为“不充分的,不够好的”,强调某物无法满足需求或要求。:The company's budget is inadequate for their expansion plans(公司的预算无法满足他们的扩张计划);Her explanation was inadequate and left many questions unanswered(她的解释不充分,留下了很多问题未解答)。

4. insufficient:意为“不足的,不够多的”,侧重于数量或程度上的不够。:There are insufficient funds to cover all the expenses(资金不足以支付所有的费用);His performance was considered insufficient for the role(他的表演被认为不够胜任这个角色)。

5. wanting的反义词是satisfactory,意为“令人满意的”,常用来表示某物或情况达到了预期或要求。:The team's performance was satisfactory and they won the championship(这支球队的表现令人满意,他们赢得了冠);The hotel's amenities were satisfactory and received positive reviews from guests(这家酒店的设施令人满意,受到客人的好评)。
