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we are the millers怎么翻译?

导读:意思:we are the millers是一个英语短语,字面意思为“我们是磨坊主”,但在现代英语中,它通常被用作一个固定的表达,表示“我们是


we are the millers是一个英语短语,字面意思为“我们是磨坊主”,但在现代英语中,它通常被用作一个固定的表达,表示“我们是同伴”或“我们是一伙人”。




1. We are the millers, working together to achieve our goals.


2. The cast and crew of the movie were like a family, they truly were the millers.


3. As students, we are all in this together - we are the millers.

(作为学生,我们都在这一起 - 我们是同伴。)

4. The football team proudly declared, "We are the millers!" after winning the championship.


5. In times of crisis, we must remember that we are all millers and work together to overcome challenges.



1. We are a team


2. We are comrades


3. We are partners


4. We are a group


5. We are united


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