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导读:Meaning: How do you say "Do you understand? " in English?Usage: This phrase is commonly used in spoken language

Meaning: How do you say "Do you understand?" in English?

Usage: This phrase is commonly used in spoken language to confirm if the listener comprehends what has been said.

Example Sentences:

1. Mom: Did you finish your homework?

Child: Yes, I did.

Mom: You understand? (你懂吗?)

Child: Yes, I understand. (是的,我懂了。)

2. Teacher: Can anyone explain this concept to the class?

Student A: I can!

Teacher: Great, go ahead.

Student A: First, we need to understand the basics. You understand? (首先,我们需要了解基础知识。你明白吗?)

3. Boss: We have a big project coming up next week.

Employee A: What do we need to do?

Boss: I'll explain it in detail tomorrow. You understand? (我明天会详细解释。你明白吗?)

Employee A: Yes, I understand. (是的,我明白了。)

4. Friend A: Did you hear about the new restaurant that opened downtown?

Friend B: No, tell me more.

Friend A: It's supposed to have amazing food and great ambience. You understand? (据说那里的食物很棒,环境也很好。你懂吗?)

Friend B: Yes, I get it now. Let's go check it out! (是的,我明白了。我们去看看吧!)

5. Parent A: We need to leave for the airport at 6 am tomorrow.

Child A: Why so early?

Parent A: Our flight is at 9 am and we need to check-in before that. You understand? (我们的航班是早上9点,我们需要提前办理登机手续。你明白吗?)

Child A: Yes, I understand. (是的,我明白了。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Do you get it? - This phrase has the same meaning and usage as "You understand?" and can be used interchangeably.

2. Do you follow me? - This phrase is often used to check if the listener is following the speaker's train of thought or understanding their instructions.

3. Are you with me? - Similar to "Do you follow me?", this phrase is used to confirm if the listener is paying attention and comprehending what is being said.

4. Do you see what I mean? - This phrase is commonly used when trying to explain a complex concept or idea, and checking if the listener understands it.

5. Understand? - This shortened version of "Do you understand?" is more casual and can be used among friends or in informal situations.

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