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导读:The English translation of "声迹 " is "voice trace "Usage: "声迹 " is a noun that refers to the sound or voice le

The English translation of "声迹" is "voice trace."


"声迹" is a noun that refers to the sound or voice left behind by someone or something.


1. 我听到了他的声迹,但是他已经离开了。

I heard his voice trace, but he had already left.

2. 这片土地上留下了许多古老文明的声迹。

This land bears the voice traces of many ancient civilizations.

3. 她用手指轻轻触摸着那封信,仿佛能感受到父亲的声迹。

She gently touched the letter with her fingers, as if she could feel her father's voice trace.

4. 这首歌曲充满了歌手的个人风格和声迹。

This song is filled with the singer's personal style and voice trace.

5. 在这个安静的村庄里,每个角落都充满了老人们的声迹。

In this quiet village, every corner is filled with the voice traces of the elderly.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 声音 (shng yn): sound, voice

Example: 他的笑声在整个房间里回荡,留下了欢乐的声音。(His laughter echoed throughout the room, leaving behind a joyful sound.)

2. 回响 (hu xing): echo

Example: 雷鸣般的掌声在演唱会上回响,让歌手感受到观众的热情。(Thunderous applause echoed at the concert, making the singer feel the audience's enthusiasm.)

3. 轨迹 (gu j): trace, trajectory

Example: 这位画家用笔勾勒出了夕阳的轨迹,让人们感受到大自然的美妙。(The painter used his brush to outline the trajectory of the sunset, allowing people to appreciate the beauty of nature.)

4. 痕迹 (hn j): mark, trace

Example: 这个古老建筑上留下了历史的痕迹,让人们可以想象出过去的场景。(The ancient building bears the marks of history, allowing people to imagine scenes from the past.)

5. 声息 (shng x): sound and movement

Example: 在这片静谧的森林里,除了鸟鸣和昆虫的声息,再没有其他任何声音。(In this peaceful forest, there is no sound except for the chirping of birds and buzzing of insects.)

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