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导读:1 代价英文怎么写?Meaning: How to write "代价 " in English?2 用法Usage:- "代价 " can be used as a noun or a ve

1. 代价英文怎么写?

Meaning: How to write "代价" in English?

2. 用法


- "代价" can be used as a noun or a verb.

- As a noun, it refers to the price or cost of something.

- As a verb, it means to pay or bear the cost of something.

3. 例句1-5句且中英对照

Example Sentences with Chinese and English Translation:

1. 他不想为了成功而付出巨大的代价。

He doesn't want to pay a huge price for success.

2. 这次旅行的代价太高了,我们决定取消。

The cost of this trip is too high, we decided to cancel.

3. 我们必须付出一定的代价才能获得自由。

We have to pay a certain price to gain freedom.

4. 她为了追求梦想,不惜一切代价。

She is willing to pay any price to pursue her dreams.

5. 这项决定将会带来沉重的代价。

This decision will come at a heavy cost.

4. 同义词及用法

Synonyms and Usage:

- 价格 (ji g): price, cost

Usage: This word is more commonly used in everyday conversation and refers specifically to the numerical value of something.

- 成本 (chng bn): cost

Usage: This word is often used in business contexts and refers to the expenses incurred in producing or acquiring something.

- 费用 (fi yng): expense, fee

Usage: This word has a broader meaning and can refer to any type of spending or cost.

- 代价 (di ji): price, cost

Usage: This is the most commonly used word for "price" and can be used in both formal and informal situations.

- 代价 (di ji): sacrifice

Usage: As a verb, "代价" can also mean to make a sacrifice or pay a price for something.

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