1. 我们一家人就像七子之歌中的兄弟一样,相互支持、团结一心。
We are like the seven brothers in the Seven Sons Song, supporting and standing by each other.
2. 这首歌是我们小时候学习的七子之歌。
This song is the Seven Sons Song we learned when we were children.
3. 他们公司内部就像一首七子之歌,每个人都各司其职,但又紧密合作。
Their company is like a Seven Sons Song, where everyone has their own role but works closely together.
4. 这部电影讲述了一个家庭如何像七子之歌中的兄弟一样团结起来面对挑战。
This movie tells the story of a family coming together like the brothers in the Seven Sons Song to face challenges.
5. 在文化中,七子之歌是一个重要的民间传统,它着家庭的和谐与团结。
In Chinese culture, the Seven Sons Song is an important folk tradition that represents the harmony and unity of a family.
1. 七子之歌也可以用“七兄弟之歌”来形容。
2. 作为家庭或团队的代名词,也可以用“兄弟姐妹之歌”来表达相同的意思。
3. 在文化中,还有一个类似的民谣叫做“十二生肖”,它也可以用来形容家庭成员之间的关系。
4. “和谐共处”、“团结一心”、“齐心协力”等词语也可以用来描述七子之歌所表达的意思。