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导读:困惑的英文翻译是 "puzzled " 或 "confused ",指的是对某件事情感到不理解或迷惑的状态。用法: "puzzled " 通常用作形容词,表示某人感

困惑的英文翻译是 "puzzled" 或 "confused",指的是对某件事情感到不理解或迷惑的状态。


"puzzled" 通常用作形容词,表示某人感到困惑或不明白。"confused" 则可以作形容词或动词,表示某人被搞混或感到迷惑。


1. She looked puzzled when I asked her about the project. (当我问她关于这个项目时,她显得很困惑。)

2. I'm confused by all the different instructions for this task. (我被这项任务的各种不同指示搞混了。)

3. The students were puzzled by the difficult math problem. (学生们对这道难题感到困惑。)

4. I'm so confused right now, I don't know what to do. (我现在很迷惑,不知道该怎么办了。)

5. He looked at the map with a puzzled expression on his face. (他脸上带着一副困惑的表情看着地图。)


1. bewildered: 感到茫然或迷失方向的状态。

例句:The tourists were bewildered by the maze-like streets of the old city. (游客们被老城区像迷宫一样的街道弄得茫然不知所措。)

2. perplexed: 感到困惑或复杂的状态。

例句:I'm perplexed by the sudden change in his behavior. (他行为的突然变化让我感到困惑。)

3. baffle: 使某人感到困惑或难以理解。

例句:The complicated instructions baffle me, I don't know where to start. (这些复杂的指示让我感到困惑,不知道从哪里开始。)

4. mystified: 感到神秘或令人费解的状态。

例句:The strange symbols on the ancient artifact mystified the archaeologists. (古老文物上奇怪的符号让考古学家们感到费解。)

5. nonplussed: 被某事弄得无所适从或无法应对。

例句:She was completely nonplussed when her boss suddenly asked her to give a presentation. (当老板突然要求她做报告时,她完全不知所措。)

