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导读:1 Meaning: How to say "advantage " in English?Usage: "Advantage " is a noun that refers to a favorable or benef

1. Meaning: How to say "advantage" in English?

Usage: "Advantage" is a noun that refers to a favorable or beneficial factor or circumstance.


- Chinese: 优点

English: Advantage

Sentence: Having good communication skills is an advantage in the workplace.

2. Synonyms and Usage:

- Benefit (noun): Something that is advantageous or helpful.


Chinese: 好处

English: Benefit

Sentence: One of the benefits of exercising regularly is improved physical health.

- Strength (noun): A quality or attribute that gives someone or something an advantage over others.


Chinese: 实力

English: Strength

Sentence: The team's strength lies in their strong defense strategy.

3. Meaning: How to say "pros" in English?

Usage: "Pros" is a noun that refers to the favorable aspects or advantages of something.


- Chinese: 利益,优点

English: Pros, Benefits, Advantages

Sentence: Before making a decision, it's important to weigh the pros and cons.

4. Meaning: How to say "merit" in English?

Usage: "Merit" is a noun that refers to the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.


- Chinese:价值,优点

English:Merit, Value, Advantage

Sentence:The candidate's strong work ethic and leadership skills were seen as major merits by the hiring manager.

5. Meaning:How to say "strong point" in English?

Usage:"Strong point" is a noun that refers to someone's best quality or most important skill.


- Chinese:长处,优点

English:Strong point, Advantage, Strength

Sentence:One of her strong points is her ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

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