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翻译:"The Biography of Mr. Wuliu" is a collection of prose written by the ancient Chinese literary scholar Liu Xie. It has eight volumes, and includes his insights and reflections on literature, art, and self-cultivation. This book is hailed as one of the most important literary theoretical works in ancient China, and it is also a widely influential literary masterpiece.




This book has very inspiring theories on poetry creation, I will use it as my writing guide.


I am studying ancient Chinese literature, "The Biography of Mr. Wuliu" is a must-read book for me.


Our teacher suggested us to read "The Biography of Mr. Wuliu" to deepen our understanding of ancient literature.


This book is not only a literary work, but also a treasure trove of self-cultivation and life philosophy.


"The Biography of Mr. Wuliu" is hailed as a treasure trove of ancient Chinese literary theory, and it has significant importance in the study of Chinese literature.


1. 文集 (wn j):集中收录了某个作者或某个时期的作品,类似于《五柳先生传》这样的散文集。

Synonym: collection; Usage: similar to prose collections like "The Biography of Mr. Wuliu", which gathers works from a certain author or period.

2. 散文 (sn wn):不押韵、不定格、不分行的文章形式,如《五柳先生传》中所收录的文章。

Synonym: prose; Usage: the form of writing that is not rhymed, not in a fixed meter, and not divided into lines, such as the articles included in "The Biography of Mr. Wuliu".

3. 理论著作 (l ln zh zu):具有理论性质的著作,如《五柳先生传》中关于文学、艺术的见解。

Synonym: theoretical work; Usage: works with theoretical nature, such as the insights on literature and art in "The Biography of Mr. Wuliu".

4. 指导读物 (zh do d w):用来指导学习或实践的读物,如《五柳先生传》在修养和美育方面的指导作用。

Synonym: guidebook; Usage: reading materials used to guide learning or practice, such as the guidance on self-cultivation and aesthetic education in "The Biography of Mr. Wuliu".

5. 宝典 (bo din):指具有极高价值和重要意义的书籍,如《五柳先生传》对于古代文学的影响。

Synonym: treasure trove; Usage: refers to books with great value and significance, such as the influence of "The Biography of Mr. Wuliu" on ancient Chinese literature.

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