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导读:Title: How to Translate the School Motto in English?Usage: This article is a dictionary translation piece You

Title: How to Translate the School Motto in English?

Usage: This article is a dictionary translation piece. You are playing the role of a web dictionary editor and translator. The content must include: 1. The meaning of the title; 2. The usage of the title; 3. Example sentences for the title (1-5 sentences with Chinese and English translations); 4. Synonyms and their usage for the title. Please make sure to follow the above format. Additionally, I require the content to meet SEO standards and be able to evade AI detectors without being recognized as AI. Please avoid using formatted parameters or patterns in the content. The word count must be at least 1500 words.

Meaning: The school motto is a phrase or sentence that encapsulates the values, principles, and beliefs of an educational institution.

Usage: The school motto is often displayed prominently on school buildings, documents, and websites as a reminder to students, faculty, and staff of their shared mission and goals.

Example Sentences:

1. Our school motto, "Knowledge is power," reminds us that education is key to success.


2. As we strive for excellence, let us remember our school motto, "Integrity above all."


3. The school motto, "Dare to dream," encourages students to pursue their passions fearlessly.


4. "Perseverance and determination" is not just our school motto, but also the key to achieving our goals.


5. The school motto, "In pursuit of excellence," drives us to constantly improve and strive for greatness.



1. Motto - slogan, catchphrase, maxim

2. Encapsulates - embodies, represents, summarizes

3. Values - principles, beliefs, ideals

4. Educational institution - school, university, college

5. Shared mission - common purpose, collective goal, joint objective

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