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导读:Meaning:The term "检验检疫局 " refers to the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, which is a government agency respon


The term "检验检疫局" refers to the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, which is a government agency responsible for inspecting and quarantining imported and exported goods to ensure they meet safety and quality standards.


The term "检验检疫局" is typically used in Chinese, but it can also be translated into English as "Inspection and Quarantine Bureau". It is often used in official documents and communications related to international trade and transportation.

Example Sentences:

1. The Inspection and Quarantine Bureau plays a crucial role in safeguarding the health and safety of our citizens by ensuring that all imported goods meet our strict quality standards. (检验检疫局在保障国民健康和安全方面发挥着关键作用,确保所有进口商品符合严格的质量标准。)

2. The Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has strict regulations in place to prevent the spread of diseases through imported goods. (检验检疫局已经制定了严格的规定,以防止通过进口商品传播疾病。)

3. All goods must go through the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau before they can be cleared for entry into the country. (所有商品必须经过检验检疫局才能被允许进入该。)

4. The Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has detected several cases of contaminated food products from other countries, highlighting the importance of their role in protecting public health. (检验检疫局了几起来自其他的污染食品案例,突显了他们在保护公众健康方面的重要性。)

5. The Inspection and Quarantine Bureau works closely with other government agencies to ensure the safety and quality of imported goods, providing a safe and reliable supply for our citizens. (检验检疫局与其他密切合作,确保进口商品的安全和质量,为国民提供安全可靠的供应。)


1. Customs

2. Border Control

3. Health Inspection Bureau

4. Quality Control Agency

5. Import and Export Inspection Department

Usage of Synonyms:

1. The Customs department works closely with the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to regulate the flow of goods in and out of the country.

2. The Border Control agency has strict regulations in place to prevent illegal imports, working alongside the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

3. The Health Inspection Bureau is responsible for ensuring that all imported food products meet safety standards, working in coordination with the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

4. The Quality Control Agency monitors the quality of imported goods, collaborating with the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to ensure they meet standards.

5. The Import and Export Inspection Department is responsible for inspecting all goods entering or leaving the country, working closely with the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to enforce regulations.

In conclusion, "检验检疫局" or "Inspection and Quarantine Bureau" is an essential government agency that plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health by ensuring the safety and quality of imported goods through strict inspections and regulations. It collaborates with other government agencies to provide a safe and reliable supply for citizens, protecting them from potential health hazards caused by substandard or contaminated products from other countries.

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