1. 请你找出现代汉语下册第一单元的课后习题答案。
Please find the answers to the post-lesson exercises of the first unit of Modern Chinese Textbook.
2. 我们需要准备好今天晚上老师布置的现代汉语下册第二单元的课后习题答案。
We need to prepare the answers to the post-lesson exercises of the second unit of Modern Chinese Textbook assigned by our teacher tonight.
3. 老师会在明天上课前公布现代汉语下册第三单元的课后习题答案。
The teacher will announce the answers to the post-lesson exercises of the third unit of Modern Chinese Textbook before class tomorrow.
4. 你能帮我查一下现代汉语下册第四单元的课后习题答案吗?
Can you help me look up the answers to the post-lesson exercises of the fourth unit of Modern Chinese Textbook?
5. 我们可以在课后自行查阅现代汉语下册的课后习题答案来巩固所学知识。
We can review the answers to the post-lesson exercises of Modern Chinese Textbook after class to reinforce what we have learned.
1. 课后习题答案:指在完成课程学习后,对于课后习题的正确答案。也可用“练习题答案”、“练习解析”等表达。
2. 答案:指对于某一问题或情况的回答或解决方法。也可用“解答”、“回复”等表达。
3. 正确答案:指与问题相符合,符合事实或真理的回答。也可用“准确解答”、“正确回复”等表达。