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导读:Meaning: How do you say "您好 " in English?Usage: This phrase is used as a greeting in Mandarin Chinese, simila

Meaning: How do you say "您好" in English?

Usage: This phrase is used as a greeting in Mandarin Chinese, similar to the English phrase "hello."

Example Sentences:

1. 您好,我是网络词典编辑翻译人员。- Hello, I am a web dictionary editor and translator.

2. 好久不见,您好吗?- Long time no see, how are you?

3. 您好,我想预约一份外卖。- Hello, I would like to order some takeout.

4. 请问您需要帮助吗?- Can I help you?

5. 您好,欢迎来到我们的公司。- Hello, welcome to our company.

Synonyms: 你好 (n ho), 你们好 (n men ho), 喂 (wi)

Usage: These are all common ways to greet someone in Mandarin Chinese.

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