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导读:1 机灵的英文怎么说?Meaning: How to say "smart " in English?2 用法: "Smart " is an adjective that describes someon

1. 机灵的英文怎么说?

Meaning: How to say "smart" in English?

2. 用法:

"Smart" is an adjective that describes someone or something as clever, quick-witted, and intelligent.

3. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. She's a smart girl who always gets good grades in school. (她是一个机灵的女孩,总是在学校取得好成绩。)

2. The new smartphone has some really smart features that make it stand out from other devices. (这款新智能手机有一些非常机灵的功能,使它与其他设备区分开来。)

3. He came up with a smart solution to the problem, which impressed his boss. (他想出了一个机灵的解决方案,给他的老板留下了深刻印象。)

4. The little boy was too smart for his own good and often got himself into trouble with his pranks. (这个小男孩太机灵了,经常因为恶作剧惹上麻烦。)

5. She's not just book smart, but also street smart, which makes her successful in both academics and life. (她不仅仅是学习聪明,还很懂得处事,这使她在学业和生活中都很成功。)

4. 同义词及用法:

- Clever: having or showing quick intelligence or skill; can be used interchangeably with "smart" in most contexts.

- Intelligent: having or showing good understanding, reasoning, and judgment; can be used to describe someone who is smart in an academic or intellectual sense.

- Quick-witted: having or showing the ability to think quickly and effectively; can be used to describe someone who is smart in a humorous or witty way.

- Sharp: quick-thinking and intelligent; can also refer to something that is well-defined or distinct.

- Bright: quick to learn and understand; can also refer to someone who has a sharp mind.

- Brilliant: exceptionally clever or talented; can be used to describe someone who is extremely smart or talented in a particular field.



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