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导读:Partner is the English translation of "搭档 " It refers to a person who works together with someone else on a

Partner is the English translation of "搭档". It refers to a person who works together with someone else on a project or task, often in a collaborative and supportive manner.


搭档 can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the person who is working together with someone else. As a verb, it means to work together with someone as partners.


1. My business partner and I have been working together for over 10 years. (我的商业搭档和我已经合作超过10年了。)

2. The two detectives were assigned to be partners on the new case. (这两名侦探被分配为新案件的搭档。)

3. Our team has been paired up with another team from the company to work on this project as partners. (我们的团队与公司的另一个团队配对,作为这个项目的搭档工作。)

4. The tennis players make great partners on the court, but they are also good friends off the court. (这些网球选手在球场上是很好的搭档,但在场外也是好朋友。)

5. The company is looking for potential partners to expand their business into new markets. (公司正在寻找潜在的合作伙伴,将业务扩展到新市场。)


1. Collaborator - A person who works jointly on an activity or project.

Example: The two artists collaborated on a painting together.

2. Associate - A person who is closely connected with another in a working relationship.

Example: He is my associate and we have been working together for years.

3. Teammate - A member of the same team.

Example: The soccer players are great teammates on and off the field.

4. Co-worker - A person who works with you in the same organization or company.

Example: My co-workers and I are planning a company event together.

5. Ally - A person or group that cooperates with another for a common purpose.

Example: The two countries have become allies in the fight against terrorism.



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