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奇迹 英语怎么翻译?

导读:一:奇迹 英语怎么翻译?奇迹在英语中的翻译为 "miracle ",是指超出人类能力和理解的不可思议的或现象。它可以是一种神秘的力量,也可以

一:奇迹 英语怎么翻译?



"miracle"作为名词,常用于表示某种不可思议的事情或。它可以用作主语、宾语、定语或表语。在句子中通常放在名词前或动词后。此外,还有一些常见的固定搭配,如"perform miracles"(创造奇迹)、"work miracles"(创造奇迹)、"believe in miracles"(相信奇迹)等。


1. The birth of a healthy baby after such a difficult pregnancy was nothing short of a miracle. (这样艰难的怀孕后生下一个健康的婴儿简直就是一个奇迹。)

2. The rescue team found the missing hikers alive and well, it was truly a miracle. (救援队了失踪的徒步者平安无事,真是个奇迹。)

3. The doctor said that her recovery was a miracle, as they didn't expect her to survive the surgery. (医生说她能康复真是个奇迹,因为他们没想到她能挺过手术。)

4. The town was in ruins after the hurricane, but the rebuilding efforts were nothing short of a miracle. (飓风过后,这个小镇变得一片废墟,但重建工作简直就是一个奇迹。)

5. The young athlete's comeback after a serious injury was hailed as a miracle by his fans. (这位年轻运动员在严重受伤后的复出被他的粉丝们称为奇迹。)


1. wonder:指令人惊叹或感到神秘的事物,也可以表示对某人或某事的赞美。

例句:The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world.(大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。)

2. phenomenon:指自然界或社会上引起注意的不寻常现象。

例句:The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon that can be seen in some parts of the world.(北极光是一种在世界上某些地方可以看到的自然现象。)

3. marvel:指令人惊讶或惊叹的事物,有时也可以表示对某人或某物的敬佩。

例句:The Taj Mahal is a marvel of architecture and attracts millions of tourists every year.(泰姬陵是建筑上的奇迹,每年吸引着数百万游客。)

4. phenomenon:指超出人类理解的神秘力量或。

例句:The disappearance of the ancient civilization remains a mystery and a phenomenon that fascinates many researchers.(古代文明的消失仍然是一个让许多研究者着迷的谜团和神秘现象。)

5. prodigy:指在某一方面有出众天赋或表现非凡的人。

例句:Mozart was a musical prodigy, writing his first symphony at the age of eight.(莫扎特是一位音乐天才,八岁时就创作了他的第一部交响乐。)

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