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导读:1 Meaning:The phrase "天上掉馅饼 " (tin shng dio xin bng) literally translates to "pies falling from the sky "

1. Meaning:

The phrase "天上掉馅饼" (tin shng dio xin bng) literally translates to "pies falling from the sky." It is a Chinese idiom that refers to unexpected good fortune or a sudden windfall.

2. Usage:

This phrase is commonly used in a figurative sense to describe a situation where something desirable or fortunate happens without any effort or expectation on the part of the person experiencing it. It can also be used in a sarcastic or ironic manner to express disbelief or skepticism towards someone's unrealistic expectations.

3. Example Sentences:

1) When I won the lottery, my friends joked that it was like "天上掉馅饼" because I had never even bought a ticket before.


2) I never thought I would get this promotion, but it seems like "天上掉馅饼" for me.


3) Don't expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter, sometimes you have to work hard for success and not just wait for "天上掉馅饼."


4. Synonyms and Usage:

- Unexpected good fortune: 意外之财 (y wi zh ci), 意外收获 (y wi shu hu)

- Sudden windfall: 突然的财富 (t rn de ci f), 不期而遇的好运 (b q r y de ho yn)

- Unrealistic expectations: 不切实际的期望 (b qi sh j de q wng), 虚幻的幻想 (x hun de hun xing)

- Work hard for success: 努力工作取得成功 (n l gng zu q d chng gng), 勤奋努力获得成功 (qn fn n l hu d chng gng)

In conclusion, "天上掉馅饼" is a commonly used Chinese idiom that refers to unexpected good fortune or a sudden windfall. It can be used in a figurative or sarcastic manner to express a situation where something desirable happens without any effort or expectation. Some synonyms for this phrase include unexpected good fortune, sudden windfall, unrealistic expectations, and working hard for success.



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