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导读:一:有情人终成眷属英文怎么翻译? "有情人终成眷属 "的英文翻译为 "True love will eventually lead to marriage "二:用法此短语


"有情人终成眷属"的英文翻译为 "True love will eventually lead to marriage."




1. 我们都相信有情人终成眷属,所以我们会继续努力保持我们之间的爱情。(We both believe that true love will eventually lead to marriage, so we will continue to work hard to maintain our love.)

2. 他们是一个典型的例子,证明了有情人终成眷属这句话的真实性。(They are a classic example that proves the truth of the saying "true love will eventually lead to marriage.")

3. 我们虽然经历了很多挑战,但最终还是走到了一起。真是有情人终成眷属啊!(Despite all the challenges we went through, we finally ended up together. True love does lead to marriage!)

4. 我们从小就是邻居,现在我们已经结婚十年了。我总是相信有情人终成眷属这句话的。(We were neighbors since we were kids, and now we have been married for ten years. I always believed in the saying "true love will eventually lead to marriage.")

5. 我们的父母都是从相亲认识的,现在他们已经结婚四十年了。有情人终成眷属,这句话真的很有道理。(Our parents met through matchmaking, and now they have been married for forty years. True love does lead to marriage, this saying is really true.)


1. 真爱永不变 (True love never changes)

2. 真爱永远 (True love forever)

3. 坚定不移的爱 (Unwavering love)

4. 永恒的爱 (Eternal love)

5. 相爱终成眷属 (Love will eventually lead to marriage)

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