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导读:家居用品英文可以翻译为 "household items "或者 "home goods ",常见词汇包括:1 Furniture - 家具Usage: Furniture refers to mo

家居用品英文可以翻译为"household items"或者"home goods",常见词汇包括:

1. Furniture - 家具

Usage: Furniture refers to movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating, eating, and sleeping.

Example: I need to buy some new furniture for my living room.

2. Appliances - 家用电器

Usage: Appliances are electrical or mechanical devices used in households, such as refrigerators, washing machines, or microwaves.

Example: We have a wide selection of appliances for your kitchen needs.

3. Decor - 装饰品

Usage: Decor refers to items that are used to make a room or space more attractive and comfortable.

Example: She has a great eye for decor and always makes her home look beautiful.

4. Bedding - 床上用品

Usage: Bedding includes sheets, blankets, and pillows used on a bed for comfort and warmth.

Example: I love the softness of this bedding set. It's perfect for cold winter nights.

5. Kitchenware - 厨房用具

Usage: Kitchenware refers to tools and utensils used in cooking or preparing food in the kitchen.

Example: We have a variety of kitchenware available, from pots and pans to cutting boards and knives.

6. Cleaning supplies - 清洁用品

Usage: Cleaning supplies are products used for cleaning the home, such as detergent, bleach, or sponges.

Example: I need to restock on cleaning supplies before our guests arrive this weekend.

7. Home accessories - 家居配饰

Usage: Home accessories include decorative items that add personality and style to a household, such as vases, candles, or artwork.

Example: She loves shopping for unique home accessories to decorate her apartment.

8. Storage solutions - 储物方案

Usage: Storage solutions refer to products or methods used to organize and store items in a household, such as shelves, bins, or baskets.

Example: We offer a variety of storage solutions to help you declutter your home.

9. Linens - 亚麻布

Usage: Linens are household textiles, such as sheets and towels, made from linen fabric.

Example: The hotel provides fresh linens for every guest.

10. Home decor - 家居装饰

Usage: Home decor refers to the overall style and design of a household, including furniture, accessories, and color schemes.

Example: She spends hours browsing home decor websites for inspiration on how to decorate her new apartment.


1. Household goods - 家庭用品

2. Domestic items - 家用物品

3. Homewares - 家居用品

4. Domestic necessities - 家庭必需品

5. Domestic articles - 家用物件

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