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after all是什么意思?

导读:释义:after all是一个英语短语,通常被用作一个副词短语,表示“毕竟”、“终究”、“到底”等含义。它可以用来强调某件事情的最终结果


after all是一个英语短语,通常被用作一个副词短语,表示“毕竟”、“终究”、“到底”等含义。它可以用来强调某件事情的最终结果或者某个观点的真实性。它也可以用来表示对前面所说的内容的总结或者总结性评论。


after all通常放在句子的结尾,作为句子的最后一部分。它可以和逗号一起使用,也可以单独使用。:

- I thought she was innocent, but after all, she had a motive to commit the crime.


- After all, it's your decision.



1. She studied hard for the exam, and after all her efforts, she got an A.


2. We thought the project was a failure, but after all, it turned out to be a success.


3. He seemed very confident about his decision, but after all, he was just guessing.


4. She promised to help us, but after all, she didn't show up.


5. He always said he didn't care about money, but after all, he was the one who inherited a fortune.



1. After all the hard work I put in, I deserved that promotion.


2. We thought it was impossible to finish the project on time, but after all, we managed to do it.


3. He seemed like a nice guy at first, but after all, he turned out to be a fraud.


4. She always said she didn't need anyone's help, but after all, she accepted mine.


5. They thought they had everything under control, but after all, they were completely unprepared for the disaster.



1. Despite all the obstacles, they finally reached their destination after all.


2. After all the hardships they went through, their love only grew stronger.


3. She thought she had lost everything, but after all, she still had her family by her side.


4. He always claimed to be a self-made man, but after all, he inherited his wealth from his father.


5. They thought they could handle the pressure, but after all, it was too much for them to bear.


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