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导读:burn这个词有多种不同的含义,可以根据不同的语境进行翻译。下面将从不同的角度来解释burn的意思及其翻译方式。1 动词“burn”是指物质


1. 动词“burn”是指物质受到高温或火焰的作用而产生燃烧。它可以被翻译为“燃烧”,“着火”,“焚烧”等。:

- The fire is burning brightly in the fireplace.(火在壁炉里明亮地燃烧着。)

- The candle burned out quickly.(蜡烛很快就燃尽了。)

- The forest was burnt down by the wildfire.(森林被野火焚毁了。)

2. 动词“burn”也可以表示受伤或受损,通常指皮肤或组织因受到高温、化学物质或其他外界刺激而发生损伤。它可以被翻译为“灼伤”,“晒伤”,“腐蚀”等。:

- She accidentally burned her hand on the hot pan.(她不小心在炎锅上灼伤了手。)

- His skin was badly burned by the sun.(他的皮肤被太阳晒得很厉害。)

- The acid has burnt a hole in the metal.(酸腐蚀了金属,留下了一个洞。)

3. 动词“burn”还可以表示燃烧的过程,即“烧掉”,“耗尽”。:

- The fire burned all night long.(火一整夜都在燃烧。)

- The candle is burning down quickly.(蜡烛正在迅速地燃尽。)

- He burned through all his savings in just one month.(他在一个月内就把所有的储蓄用光了。)

4. 动词“burn”也可以表示强烈的感情,如愤怒、激动、兴奋等。它可以被翻译为“愤怒”,“激动”,“兴奋”等。:

- She was burning with anger when she found out the truth.(当她时,她愤怒不已。)

- The crowd was burning with excitement as they waited for the concert to start.(人群在等待音乐会开始时兴奋不已。)

- He burned with jealousy when he saw his ex-girlfriend with another man.(当他看到前女友和另一个男人在一起时,他十分嫉妒。)

5. 名词“burn”可以指火灾或火灾造成的损失,也可以指灼伤或其他损伤。它可以被翻译为“火灾”,“灼伤”等。:

- The house was destroyed in a terrible burn.(房子在一场可怕的火灾中被毁了。)

- She suffered from third-degree burns in the accident.(她在事故中受到了三度烧伤。)

- The sunburn on her face was quite severe.(她脸上的晒伤相当严重。)



1. The fire was burning fiercely and the firefighters were struggling to put it out.


2. He burned his hand on the hot stove and had to go to the hospital for treatment.


3. Her anger burned like a fire, she couldn't control herself and started yelling at him.


4. He burned through all his savings on gambling and now he's in deep trouble.


5. The burn on her arm was caused by boiling water, it was quite painful.


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