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导读:aduit是一个英文单词,读作 dt ,意思是审计。它可以作为名词或动词使用。用法:1 名词:指对财务报表、账目等的检查和审阅。2 动词



1. 名词:指对财务报表、账目等的检查和审阅。

2. 动词:指对财务报表、账目等进行检查和审阅。


1. The company hired an external auditor to aduit their financial statements.


2. The government agency conducts regular aduits to ensure compliance with financial regulations.



1. audit:与aduit同义,也可作为名词或动词使用。

2. examination:指对某项事物进行仔细的检查和分析。

3. review:指对某项事物进行全面的检查和评估。

4. inspection:指对某项事物进行仔细的视察和检验。

5. check-up:指对某项事物进行全面的检查和评估,常用于医疗领域。

In this dictionary translation article, you are playing the role of an online dictionary editor and translator, explaining the meaning and correct pronunciation of the word "aduit". Your content must include:

1. What does "aduit" mean? How is it pronounced correctly?

2. Usage

3. Example sentences (1-5 sentences, with Chinese and English translations)

4. Synonyms and usage

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"aduit" means "audit" in English, pronounced as /dt/. It can be used as a noun or a verb.


1. Noun: refers to the examination and review of financial statements and accounts.

2. Verb: refers to the process of examining and reviewing financial statements and accounts.

Example sentences:

1. 公司聘请了一位外部审计师来审计他们的财务报表。

The company hired an external auditor to audit their financial statements.

2. 定期进行审计,以确保遵守财务法规。

The government agency conducts regular audits to ensure compliance with financial regulations.

Synonyms and usage:

1. audit: synonymous with "aduit", can also be used as a noun or a verb.

2. examination: refers to a thorough inspection and analysis of something.

3. review: refers to a comprehensive examination and evaluation of something.

4. inspection: refers to a careful observation and examination of something.

5. check-up: refers to a comprehensive examination and evaluation, often used in medical contexts.

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