导读:1 dove是一种鸟类,属于鸽子科,又名白鸽。它们的身体小巧,头部圆润,背部和翅膀灰色,胸部和腹部白色。dove在英文中也有“和平”的象
1. dove是一种鸟类,属于鸽子科,又名白鸽。它们的身体小巧,头部圆润,背部和翅膀灰色,胸部和腹部白色。dove在英文中也有“和平”的象征意义,在中也着圣灵。
2. dove的读音为/dv/,单词的重音在第一个音节上。
3. 用例:
(1) The dove flew gracefully across the sky.
(2) The symbol of a dove is often used to represent peace.
(3) The dove is a common sight in many cities around the world.
(4) The dove is known for its gentle nature and soothing cooing sound.
(5) She released a dove into the air as a symbol of hope and freedom.
4. 组词:dove-like (像白鸽一样的), dovelike (像白鸽一样的), dovecote (鸽舍), dove-tail (鸽尾), dove-colored (白鸽色的)
5. 白鸽 - dove
(1) The dove is a symbol of peace and hope.
(2) The dove is often used in art to represent love and purity.
(3) In some cultures, the release of doves is a traditional practice at weddings.
(4) The dove is a common motif in literature, representing innocence and peace.
(5) Doves are known for their gentle nature and are often kept as pets.
6. 总结:dove是一种小巧可爱的鸟类,在英文中有多种含义,包括“白鸽”、“和平”的象征、中的圣灵等。它们以温柔的性格和悦耳的咕咕声而闻名,在艺术、文学、传统习俗等方面都有重要地位。通过对dove的词汇编辑,我们可以更加深入地了解这种鸟类,并且它们在人类文化中的重要作用。