导读:1 dele是动词,意思是删除、排除或者取消。例句:Please dele the incorrect information from the report (请从报告中删除错误
1.dele是动词,意思是删除、排除或者取消。例句:Please dele the incorrect information from the report.(请从报告中删除错误的信息。)
3.dele常用于正式或商务场合,表示删除或者取消某项内容。例句1:The company has decided to dele the old product line and focus on new ones.(公司决定删除旧产品线,专注于新产品。)例句2:Please dele the extra items from your shopping cart before checkout.(请在结账前从购物车中删除多余的商品。)例句3:Can you dele my name from the guest list?(你能把我的名字从客人中删除吗?)例句4:The government plans to dele some outdated laws and regulations.(计划删除一些过时的法律和规定。)例句5:His negative comments were quickly dele by the moderator.(他的负面评论被主持人迅速删除了。)
4.dele可以与其他词组合成新词,如delete(v. 删除)、deletion(n. 删除)、deletable(adj. 可以被删除的)。
5.dele在英文中也可以作为缩写词出现,如DELEDiplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language(西班牙语作为外语文凭)。