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导读:1 deity是指被人们崇拜和敬畏的神灵,也可以指某个特定的神或者神话中的上帝。:In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus is considere

1. deity是指被人们崇拜和敬畏的神灵,也可以指某个特定的神或者神话中的上帝。:In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus is considered the deity of the sky and thunder.(在古希腊神话中,宙斯被认为是天空和雷电之神。)

2. deity的用法通常作为可数名词,单数形式为deity,复数形式为deities。它可以用来指代各种不同的神灵,也可以用来指代某个特定信仰中的上帝。:The ancient Egyptians worshipped many different deities.(古埃及人崇拜许多不同的神灵。)

3. deity也可以用来表示某种强大、无所不能或者无法理解的力量或存在。:The storm seemed to be controlled by some powerful deity.(风暴似乎受到某种强大的力量。)

4. 在和印度教中,deity可以指代一尊特定的佛像或者印度教中的主要神灵。:We offered flowers and incense to the deity in the temple.(我们向寺庙里的佛像献上了鲜花和香烛。)

5. 在日常口语中,deity也可以用来表示某人非常擅长某件事情,类似于“神手”。:She's a deity when it comes to cooking.(她在烹饪方面简直是个神手。)


1. deity的读音为['diti],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 在英国英语中,deity的发音为['di:ti],重音在第二个音节上。

3. 在美国英语中,deity的发音为['diti],重音在第二个音节上。

4. 在澳大利亚英语中,deity的发音为['dti],重音在第二个音节上。

5. 在印度英语中,deity的发音为[diti]或[dti],重音在第一个或第二个音节上。


1. The temple was filled with statues of various deities, each representing a different aspect of the religion.


2. The ancient Greeks believed that their deities lived on Mount Olympus.


3. The Aztecs worshipped a deity named Quetzalcoatl, who was believed to be the god of wind and wisdom.


4. Many people turn to prayer and seek guidance from their deities during difficult times.


5. The ancient Egyptians believed in a pantheon of deities, with each one responsible for a different aspect of life.



1. deity worship(信仰神灵)

2. deity cult(崇拜特定的神灵)

3. deity figure(神像)

4. deity realm(神界)

5. deity mythology(神话传说)


1. In Hinduism, Vishnu is considered the preserver deity, responsible for maintaining order and balance in the universe.


2. The ancient Greeks believed that their deities lived on Mount Olympus.


3. 中,观音菩萨被视为慈悲与智慧之神,也被称为“救世主”。

(In Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is considered the deity of compassion and wisdom, also known as the "savior".)

4. The temple was filled with statues of various deities, each representing a different aspect of the religion.


5. The ancient Egyptians worshipped many different deities, each with their own unique characteristics and responsibilities.


6. 在印度教中,印度教徒会向印度教中最重要的三位神灵之一——毗湿奴(Vishnu)、湿婆(Shiva)和妙吉祥天女(Devi)献上祷告。

(In Hinduism, followers offer prayers to one of the three main deities – Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi – who are considered the most important in Hinduism.)

7. The ancient Greeks believed that their deities could intervene in human affairs and influence their lives.


8. The Aztecs worshipped a deity named Quetzalcoatl, who was believed to be the god of wind and wisdom.




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