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1. The fire blazed fiercely, lighting up the night sky.


2. The sun blazed down on us, making us sweat profusely.


3. His eyes blazed with anger as he shouted at me.


4. The candles on the birthday cake blazed brightly, symbolizing the joy of celebration.


5. The forest was blazed by the wildfire, leaving behind a trail of destruction.



1. Burn: 燃烧、焚烧。常用来形容物质被火焰点燃。

2. Flame: 火焰、光芒。常用来形容明亮的火焰或光线。

3. Rage: 愤怒、暴怒。常用来形容强烈的愤怒情绪。

4. Blaze up: 突然燃起、爆发。常用来形容火焰或情感突然变得强烈。

5. Glare: 发出强光、闪耀。常用来形容眩目的光线或强烈的情感表达。


Blazed is a word in English, which means "burning, blazing or shooting flames". It can be used to describe flames, light or intense emotions.


Blazed is usually used as a verb, but it can also be used as an adjective. As a verb, its past tense and past participle form is blazed. As an adjective, it can be added with -ed suffix to become the adjectival form of blazed.

Examples 1-5 with Chinese and English translation:

1. The fire blazed fiercely, lighting up the night sky.

The fire blazed fiercely, lighting up the night sky.

2. The sun blazed down on us, making us sweat profusely.

The sun blazed down on us, making us sweat profusely.

3. His eyes blazed with anger as he shouted at me.

His eyes blazed with anger as he shouted at me.

4. The candles on the birthday cake blazed brightly, symbolizing the joy of celebration.

The candles on the birthday cake blazed brightly, symbolizing the joy of celebration.

5. The forest was blazed by the wildfire, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

The forest was blazed by the wildfire, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Synonyms and usage:

1. Burn: to burn or scorch something. It is often used to describe something being ignited by flames.

2. Flame: a bright light or glow from fire or light source. It is often used to describe bright flames or lights.

3. Rage: extreme anger or fury. It is often used to describe intense feelings of anger.

4. Blaze up: to suddenly burst into flames or explode with emotion. It is often used to describe something suddenly becoming intense in terms of fire or emotions.

5. Glare: to emit strong light or shine brightly. It is often used to describe dazzling lights or intense emotional expressions.

Blazed is a polysemous word, which means it can have different meanings in different contexts, but overall it is related to the concept of "intensity". As a network dictionary editor and translator, we need to accurately explain and translate this word based on the specific context and sentence structure to help readers better understand its meaning. At the same time, we should also pay attention to using appropriate synonyms to enrich the content of the article and give readers a deeper understanding of this word.

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