1. 作为名词时,binary常用来指代计算机科学中使用的二进制。在这种中,只有0和1两种数字被用来表示数据,因此也被称为“双元数”。:In computer science, binary is the most basic form of data representation.(在计算机科学中,二进制是最基本的数据表示形式。)
2. 作为形容词时,binary可以用来修饰任何由两个部分组成的事物。:The binary nature of human existence has been a subject of philosophical debate for centuries.(人类存在的双重性质已经成为几个世纪以来哲学讨论的主题。)
1. The computer only understands binary code, which consists of zeros and ones.
2. The concept of gender as a binary construct is being challenged by many modern societies.
3. In order to convert decimal numbers to binary, you need to use a specific algorithm.
4. The binary structure of the novel, with its two main characters representing good and evil, is a common literary device.
5. The gender binary has been challenged by the increasing acceptance of non-binary identities.
1. dual:表示“两重的”、“双重的”,也可以指“两个部分组成的”。:The dual nature of human beings is often explored in literature.(人类存在的双重性质经常在文学作品中被探讨。)
2. twofold:表示“两倍的”、“双重的”,也可以指“由两个部分组成的”。:The benefits of this program are twofold – it helps students improve their skills and also benefits the community.(这个项目有双重好处——它帮助学生提高技能,并且也对社区有益处。)
3. dichotomous:表示“二分法的”、“对立的”。:The dichotomous relationship between the two political parties has created a divided society.(两党之间对立关系导致了社会分裂。)
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