导读:一:contour怎么读?contour是什么意思[ kntr ],英文音标为 kntr ,中文音标为 kntu 。contour是一个名词,表示“轮廓;等高线;(地
[ kntr ],英文音标为/kntr/,中文音标为/kntu/。contour是一个名词,表示“轮廓;等高线;(地形)线条;(脸部)轮廓线”。它也可以作为动词使用,表示“描绘轮廓;沿…画线”。
1. 作名词时,可指物体的外形或表面的特征。:
- The artist carefully studied the contours of the model's face.
- 这位艺术家仔细研究了模特脸部的轮廓。
2. 在地理学中,contour指代地图上的等高线,用来显示地形的高低变化。:
- The contour lines on this map indicate the steepness of the mountain.
- 这张地图上的等高线显示了山峰的陡峭程度。
3. 作动词时,常用于描绘物体或人物的外形。:
- She carefully contoured her lips with a lip liner.
- 她用唇线笔仔细勾勒了双唇。
4. 在化妆领域中,contour也常被用来指代修容技巧,在脸部使用不同色调的粉底或粉饼来改变脸部轮廓。:
- She contoured her cheeks to make them appear more defined.
- 她使用修容技巧让脸颊看起来更加立体。
1. The artist used light and shadow to create a beautiful contour of the model's face.
2. The contour lines on the map showed the gradual slope of the hill.
3. She carefully contoured her nose with a darker shade of foundation.
4. The contour of the vase was smooth and elegant.
5. The makeup artist used contouring techniques to give the actress a more defined jawline.
1. outline (n.):指物体或人物的大致形状或外轮廓。
- Can you give me an outline of your presentation?
- 你能给我介绍一下你的演讲大纲吗?
2. silhouette (n.):指黑色剪影,也可用来描述某物在光线下的轮廓。
- The silhouette of the tree against the sunset was breathtaking.
- 夕阳下树木的剪影令人惊叹。
3. shape (n.):指物体或人物的形状,也可用来描述某物的轮廓。
- The shape of the cloud resembled a rabbit.
- 云朵的形状像一只兔子。
4. contour (v.):指通过描绘线条来勾勒出物体或人物的外形。
- She contoured her face to make it appear slimmer.
- 她用修容技巧让脸部看起来更加纤细。
5. delineate (v.):指通过细节和描述来描绘出某物的轮廓或特征。
- The author beautifully delineated the contours of the main character's personality.
- 作者精彩地描写了主角性格的轮廓。