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cost per action是什么意思?

导读:意思:cost per action是一种广告计费方式,指的是广告主根据实际的用户行为付费给媒体的费用。这种计费方式主要应用于网络广告,如搜

意思:cost per action是一种广告计费方式,指的是广告主根据实际的用户行为付费给媒体的费用。这种计费方式主要应用于网络广告,如搜索引擎、社交媒体和电子商务等。

用法:cost per action通常缩写为CPA,在广告投放过程中,广告主可以根据自己的需求选择不同的计费方式,其中包括cost per click(CPC)、cost per mille(CPM)和cost per lead(CPL)等。而CPA则是一种更加精准和有效的计费方式,因为它直接与用户实际的行为相关。


1. The advertiser only pays when a user takes a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, which makes cost per action a more desirable option.

(广告主只在用户采取特定行动时付费,比如购买商品或填写表单,这使得cost per action成为更受欢迎的选择。)

2. Our company has seen great success with cost per action advertising, as it allows us to track the effectiveness of our campaigns and optimize accordingly.

(我们公司在使用cost per action广告方面取得了巨大成功,因为它可以让我们追踪营销活动的效果并相应地进行优化。)

3. With cost per action, the risk is shifted from the advertiser to the publisher, as they are only paid when a desired action is completed.

(通过cost per action,风险从广告主转移到了媒体,因为他们只有在完成所需的行动时才会得到付费。)

4. The cost per action for this campaign was higher than expected, which led us to adjust our targeting and messaging in order to improve results.

(这次营销活动的cost per action比预期高,这促使我们调整了目标受众和信息传递方式,以改善结果。)

5. In order to increase conversions, we have decided to switch from cost per click to cost per action for our online advertising efforts.

(为了提高转化率,我们决定将网络广告投放方式从cost per click改为cost per action。)


1. Pay-per-action (PPA):与CPA意思相同,是另一种常用的缩写。

2. Cost-per-acquisition (CPA):与CPA意思相同,但更强调广告主获得的实际收益。

3. Performance-based advertising:基于绩效的广告,也是指按照用户实际行为付费的广告形式。

4. Action-based pricing:基于行动的定价,与CPA含义相同。

5. Results-based advertising:基于结果的广告,强调广告主希望达到的具体效果。

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