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例句1:The road was flat and smooth, making it easy to ride my bike.(这条路又平又光滑,骑自行车很容易。)

The flat tire made it impossible for us to continue our journey.(轮胎没气了,我们无法继续旅程。)

例句2:I live in a small flat in the city center.(我住在市中心的一个小公寓里。)

The flat we rented has a great view of the city skyline.(我们租的公寓可以看到城市的天际线。)

例句3:She ironed her clothes on the flat surface of the table.(她在桌子平整的表面烫衣服。)

The artist used a flat brush to create bold strokes in his painting.(艺术家用扁平刷子在画作中勾勒出大胆的笔触。)

例句4:I prefer living in a house with a yard rather than a small flat in the city.(我更喜欢住在有院子的房子里,而不是城市里的小公寓。)

My friend is looking for a new flat to rent near her workplace.(我的朋友正在找一处靠近她工作地点的新公寓。)

例句5:I'm sorry, but we don't allow pets in our building. It's a rule for all the flats.(对不起,但是我们的楼里不允许养宠物。这是所有公寓的规定。)

The flat has two bedrooms and one bathroom, perfect for a small family.(这个公寓有两间卧室和一个浴室,非常适合小家庭。)


1. Level:作为形容词时,level可以表示平坦、水平的;作为名词时,level可以指高度或者程度。

例句:The road is level and easy to drive on.(这条路很平坦,开车很容易。)

I can't concentrate on my work because the noise level in this office is too high.(我无法专心工作,因为办公室里的噪音太大了。)

2. Even:作为形容词时,even可以表示平坦、平滑的;作为副词时,even可以表示甚至。

例句:The surface of the lake was even, like a mirror reflecting the sky.(湖面像镜子一样平整,反射着天空。)

She didn't even say goodbye before leaving.(她走之前甚至都没有说再见。)

3. Apartment:apartment也可以指公寓,但通常用来指一处住宅单位而不是整栋楼。

例句:I'm looking for a new apartment in the city center.(我正在找一处市中心的新公寓。)

The apartment I'm renting has a balcony with a great view.(我租的公寓有一个可以看到美景的阳台。)

4. Condo:condo是condominium的缩写,也指公寓,但通常是指高档的、拥有豪华设施的公寓。

例句:I just bought a condo in the downtown area.(我刚在市中心买了一套公寓。)

Their condo has a swimming pool, gym, and 24-hour security.(他们的公寓有游泳池、健身房和24小时保安。)

5. Studio:studio可以指工作室,也可以指一种只有一个大房间且没有分隔区域的公寓。

例句:The artist invited us to visit his studio and see his latest works.(艺术家邀请我们参观他的工作室,看他最新的作品。)

She's looking for a studio apartment because it's more affordable for her budget.(她正在找一处单身公寓,因为对她的预算来说更实惠。)

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