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导读:1 formation是指形成、组成或构造的过程或结果。:The formation of a new political party is causing a lot of excitement

1.formation是指形成、组成或构造的过程或结果。:The formation of a new political party is causing a lot of excitement in the country.(新政党的形成在这个引起了很多激动。)

2.formation也可以指一群人或物体在一起的排列方式。:The soldiers stood in formation, ready for battle.(士们站成队列,准备战斗。)

3.formation还可以指特定领域内的组织或。:I am a member of the formation committee for the upcoming conference.(我是即将举行的的组织成员。)

4.formation也可以指自然界中形成的特定地貌或景观。:The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking formation created by millions of years of erosion.(大峡谷是经过数百万年侵蚀而形成的令人惊叹的景观。)

5.在术语中,formation指特定的战术编队,如直线阵型、V字阵型等。:The troops marched in a tight formation towards the enemy's base.(紧密地排着阵型向敌基地前进。)

6.在地质学中,formation指特定时期内同一类型岩层的,如白垩纪沉积层。(In geology, formation refers to a group of rocks formed during a specific period, such as the Cretaceous formation.)


1. formation的读音为/frme()n/,重音在第二个音节上。


例句1:The formation of a new government is always a challenging process.


例句2:The dancers moved in perfect formation, creating a beautiful visual spectacle.


例句3:The rock formations in this national park are truly unique and breathtaking.


例句4:The students were asked to form groups and come up with creative solutions to the problem.


例句5:The football team practiced their formations tirelessly in preparation for the big game.



1. information (信息)

2. deformation (变形)

3. transformation (转变)

4. reformation (改革)

5. uniform (制服)


1. formation是指形成、组成或构造的过程或结果。:The formation of a new political party is causing a lot of excitement in the country.(新政党的形成在这个引起了很多激动。)

2. formation也可以指一群人或物体在一起的排列方式。:The soldiers stood in formation, ready for battle.(士们站成队列,准备战斗。)

3. formation还可以指特定领域内的组织或。:I am a member of the formation committee for the upcoming conference.(我是即将举行的的组织成员。)

4. formation也可以指自然界中形成的特定地貌或景观。:The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking formation created by millions of years of erosion.(大峡谷是经过数百万年侵蚀而形成的令人惊叹的景观。)

5. 在术语中,formation指特定的战术编队,如直线阵型、V字阵型等。:The troops marched in a tight formation towards the enemy's base.(紧密地排着阵型向敌基地前进。)

6. 在地质学中,formation指特定时期内同一类型岩层的,如白垩纪沉积层。In geology, formation refers to a group of rocks formed during a specific period, such as the Cretaceous formation.)


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