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How to say '她一定是疯了' in English

导读:一:How to say 她一定是疯了 in English的意思:The literal translation of 她一定是疯了 in English is She must be

一:How to say '她一定是疯了' in English的意思:

The literal translation of '她一定是疯了' in English is 'She must be crazy'. This phrase is often used to express surprise or disbelief at someone's actions or behavior.

二:How to say '她一定是疯了' in English用法:

This phrase can be used in both formal and informal situations. It is commonly used among friends and family members to express shock or disbelief at someone's actions. It can also be used in a more serious context, such as when discussing someone's mental state.

三:How to say '她一定是疯了' in English的例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. 她一定是疯了,怎么会做出这种事情来!

She must be crazy, how could she do something like this!

2. 我不敢相信他做出这样的决定,他一定是疯了。

I can't believe he made such a decision, he must be crazy.

3. 她一直都很理智,但现在看起来她一定是疯了。

She has always been very rational, but now it seems like she must be crazy.

4. 他们为什么要把那么多钱花在这件无用的东西上?他们一定是疯了。

Why would they spend so much money on this useless thing? They must be crazy.

5. 这个计划根本行不通,你们难道没有意识到吗?你们一定是疯了。

This plan is not going to work, don't you realize it? You must be crazy.

四:How to say '她一定是疯了' in English的同义词及用法:

1. She must be out of her mind.

2. She must have lost her marbles.

3. She must be insane.

4. She must have gone mad.

5. She must be off her rocker.

这些同义词都可以用来表示对某人行为的不可思议或不理智,与原句的意思相近。它们也可以在各种场合下使用,但要注意语气和语境。,在正式场合下,使用“insane”或“off her rocker”可能会显得不够礼貌。

在英语中,“她一定是疯了”可以被译为多种表达,但最常用的还是“She must be crazy”。这句话可用以表达惊讶、不可思议或对某人行为的质疑。它适用于各种场合,但需留意语气和语境。若要避免使用重复的措辞,不妨尝试使用同义词来传达相同的意思。然而,在此,我以网名“jack”自称,并模拟鲁迅先生的笔风,将此段作改写。

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