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1. 当我们使用感官来察觉某件事物时,可以说我们“detected”它。比如:“我听到了一阵奇怪的声音,立刻就detect到了有什么不对劲。”

2. 在科学研究中,科学家们常常会使用各种仪器来帮助他们探测和检测各种现象。比如:“这台仪器可以detect出微小的震动,从而帮助我们研究地壳运动。”

3. 在计算机领域,detect通常指通过软件程序来和识别中的错误、漏洞或者恶意程序。比如:“这款杀毒软件可以自动detect并清除电脑中的病毒。”

4. 在医学领域,医生们也经常使用各种检测手段来身体内部的问题。比如:“通过CT扫描可以detect出肿瘤的位置和大小。”

5. 除了具体事物外,detected也可以用来指察觉到某种情感或者气息。比如:“他的眼神透露出一丝detect到的不安。”


1. The security system detected a movement outside the house and immediately alerted the homeowners.

2. Scientists have detected a new planet in a nearby galaxy, which could potentially support life.

3. The antivirus software constantly runs in the background, detecting and removing any potential threats.

4. By using a special device, doctors were able to detect early signs of heart disease in the patient.

5. She could detect a hint of sadness in his voice, even though he was trying to sound cheerful.


1. As I walked down the dark alley, I suddenly detected a faint noise coming from behind me.

2. The metal detector beeped loudly as it detected something buried under the sand.

3. The detective carefully examined the crime scene, trying to detect any clues that could lead to the killer.

4. The doctor ordered several tests to be done in order to detect any underlying health issues.

5. Her sharp senses allowed her to detect even the slightest changes in her surroundings.


Detected is a verb that means "to discover", "to notice", or "to sense". It can be used to describe when a person or a machine observes, analyzes or uses specific tools to discover something or a particular situation.


1. When we use our senses to perceive something, we can say that we "detected" it. For example: "I heard a strange sound and immediately detected that something was wrong."

2. In scientific research, scientists often use various instruments to help them detect and measure different phenomena. For example: "This instrument can detect tiny vibrations and help us study crustal movements."

3. In computer science, detection usually refers to finding and identifying errors, vulnerabilities or malicious programs in a system through software programs. For example: "This antivirus software can automatically detect and remove viruses from the computer."

4. In the medical field, doctors also use various diagnostic methods to detect internal problems in the body. For example: "A CT scan can detect the location and size of a tumor."

5. In addition to specific things, detected can also refer to sensing certain emotions or atmosphere. For example: "His eyes revealed a hint of detected unease."

Example sentences:

1. The security system detected movement outside the house and immediately alerted the homeowners.

2. Scientists have detected a new planet in a nearby galaxy that could potentially support life.

3. The antivirus software constantly runs in the background, detecting and removing any potential threats.

4. By using a special device, doctors were able to detect early signs of heart disease in the patient.

5. She could detect a trace of sadness in his voice, even though he was trying to sound cheerful.

Random style two:

Detected is a verb that means "to spot", "to uncover", or "to sense". It can be used to describe when someone or something discovers something by observing, analyzing, or using specific tools.


1. When we use our senses to perceive something, we can say that we "detected" it. For example: "I heard a strange noise and immediately detected that something was off."

2. In scientific research, scientists often employ various instruments to help them spot and analyze different phenomena. For example: "This instrument can detect tiny vibrations and assist us in studying crustal movements."

3. In computer science, detection usually refers to finding and identifying errors, vulnerabilities or malicious programs in a system through software programs. For example: "This antivirus software can automatically detect and eliminate viruses from the computer."

4. In the medical field, doctors also utilize different diagnostic methods to uncover internal issues in the body. For example: "A CT scan can detect the location and size of a tumor."

5. In addition to specific things, detected can also refer to sensing certain emotions or atmosphere. For example: "His eyes betrayed a hint of detected uneasiness."

Example sentences:

1. The security system detected movement outside the house and immediately alerted the homeowners.

2. Scientists have discovered a new planet in a nearby galaxy that could potentially support life.

3. The antivirus software constantly runs in the background, detecting and removing any potential threats.

4. By using a special device, doctors were able to detect early signs of heart disease in the patient.

5. She could sense a trace of sadness in his voice, even though he was trying to sound cheerful.

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