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导读:1: Loss is a noun, meaning the state of no longer having something or the process of losing something 2: Loss

1: Loss is a noun, meaning the state of no longer having something or the process of losing something.

2: Loss can be used in different contexts, such as financial loss, emotional loss, or physical loss.

3: Examples:

- The company suffered a huge financial loss due to the economic recession.

- The death of her beloved pet was a great loss for her.

- He experienced a significant weight loss after following a strict diet and exercise regime.

- The team's loss in the championship game was devastating for their fans.

- The damage caused by the hurricane resulted in a total loss of property for many families.

4: Synonyms for "loss" include:

- Deficit

- Deprivation

- Forfeiture

- Misplacement

- Reduction

Usage example:

The stock market crash led to a significant financial loss for investors.

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