导读:digup是一个英文单词,读作 dp 。它可以作为动词或名词使用。作为动词,digup的意思是“挖掘”、“发掘”、“掘起”,通常用来指挖掘地
digup是一个英文单词,读作 /dp/。它可以作为动词或名词使用。
1. The archaeologists are planning to dig up the ancient ruins next month. (考古学家们计划下个月挖掘这些古迹。)
2. The detective dug up some new evidence that could solve the case. (侦探找到了一些新的证据,可能能够解决这个案件。)
1. The workers found some old coins and pottery as digups while digging the foundation for the new building. (工人们在挖建筑物地基时了一些旧硬币和陶器碎片。)
2. The museum has a collection of ancient digups from different excavation sites. (博物馆收藏有来自不同挖掘地点的古代发掘物。)
1. The scandal was dug up by the media again, causing a lot of controversy. (媒体再次挖出了这起丑闻,引发了很多争议。)
2. Every time I visit my hometown, it digs up so many memories of my childhood. (每次回老家,都会勾起我童年的许多回忆。)