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导读:1 k466次列车是一种火车,属于铁路总公司管辖的高速动车组列车。它是一种高铁列车,采用最先进的技术和设备,能够以每小时350公里的速

1. k466次列车是一种火车,属于铁路总公司管辖的高速动车组列车。它是一种高铁列车,采用最先进的技术和设备,能够以每小时350公里的速度行驶,是高速铁路网络中的重要组成部分。

2. k466次列车的时刻表和路线如下:从北京西站出发,途经保定东站、石家庄站、郑州东站、武汉站、长沙南站,最终到达广州南站。全程运行时间约为8小时30分钟。具体的发车时间和到达时间可通过查询火车票信息或12306网站得知。

3. k466次列车提供了多种座位选择,包括商务座、一等座、二等座、特等座和无座。乘客可以根据自己的需求选择适合的座位类型。此外,该列车还配备了餐饮服务和卫生间设施,为乘客提供舒适便利的旅行体验。


1. 我买了k466次列车的特等座票,享受了舒适宽敞的空间和贴心周到的服务。

2. 由于k466次列车运行速度快,我可以在短时间内从北京到广州,节省了很多旅行时间。

3. 我每次出差都选择坐k466次列车,它的时刻表和路线很方便,可以满足我的出行需求。

4. k466次列车的二等座票价比较实惠,是经济型旅客的首选。

5. 在k466次列车上,我还结识了一位有趣的旅伴,我们一起欣赏着窗外飞速掠过的美景。

4. 组词:高铁、动车组、火车票、发车时间、商务座、卫生间、旅行体验

5. K466 train is a type of train, belonging to the high-speed EMU trains under the jurisdiction of China Railway Corporation. It is a high-speed train that adopts the most advanced technology and equipment, capable of traveling at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, and is an important part of China's high-speed railway network.

K466 train timetable and route are as follows: departing from Beijing West Railway Station, passing through Baoding East Railway Station, Shijiazhuang Railway Station, Zhengzhou East Railway Station, Wuhan Railway Station, Changsha South Railway Station, and finally arriving at Guangzhou South Railway Station. The total travel time is about 8 hours and 30 minutes. Specific departure and arrival times can be obtained by checking train ticket information or the official website of 12306.

K466 train offers various seat options including business class, first class, second class, special class and standing room only. Passengers can choose the type of seat according to their needs. In addition, the train is equipped with catering services and toilet facilities, providing passengers with a comfortable and convenient travel experience.

In summary, K466 train is a high-speed EMU train that runs between Beijing and Guangzhou, offering various seat options and providing a fast and comfortable travel experience for passengers. Its advanced technology and equipment make it an important part of China's high-speed railway network.

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