导读:1 machine歌词怎么写?的解释:Machine歌词是指由机器或电子设备生成的歌词,通常是由人工智能算法生成,而非由人类创作。这种歌词具有
1. machine歌词怎么写?的解释:
2. machine歌词怎么写?读音读法:
[min] [lrks],其中machine为英文单词“机器”的意思,而lyrics为“歌词”的意思。读音为“马-希-恩”、“利-里-克斯”。
3. machine歌词怎么写?的用例:
例句1:The lyrics of this song were written by a machine, can you believe it?
例句2:The band decided to use a machine to write their lyrics for their new album.
例句3:The machine-generated lyrics were so abstract and surreal, it was hard to understand the meaning behind them.
例句4:Some people argue that machine-written lyrics lack emotion and depth compared to those written by humans.
例句5:The machine-generated lyrics were a hit with the younger generation, who appreciated its unique and futuristic style.
4. machine歌词怎么写?组词:
- machine-generated 由机器生成的
- algorithm 算法
- artificial intelligence 人工智能
- abstract 抽象的
- surreal 超现实的
- emotion 情感
- depth 深度
- futuristic 未来主义的
5. machine歌词怎么写?的中英文对照:
Machine歌词 - Machine lyrics
由机器生成 - generated by machine
冷漠、机械和抽象 - cold, mechanical and abstract
马希恩 - Machine
利里克斯 - lyrics