1. 作为名词使用:
- The word "cat" is a ling in English.
- “猫”这个单词在英语中被称为一个ling。
2. 作为动词使用:
- I am currently linging this sentence from Chinese to English.
- 我正在将这个句子从中文翻译成英文。
1. The word "love" has many different meanings in different languages, which makes it a challenging ling for translators.
- 在不同的语言中,“爱”这个单词有着多种不同的含义,这让它成为了翻译人员面临的一个挑战性ling。
2. Translating a poem is not an easy task, as it requires not only the understanding of the original language but also the ability to convey its beauty in another language.
- 翻译一首诗并非易事,因为这不仅需要理解原始语言,还需要将其美妙之处传达到另一种语言中。
3. The company hired a team of experienced linguists to ling their website into multiple languages.
- 公司雇用了一支经验丰富的语言学家团队,将他们的网站翻译成多种语言。
4. As a linguist, she is fluent in five different languages and can easily ling between them.
- 作为一名语言学家,她能流利地使用五种不同的语言,并可以轻松地在它们之间进行ling。
5. Learning a new language is not just about memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules, but also understanding the culture behind it.
- 学习一门新的语言不仅仅是记忆词汇和语法规则,还需要理解其背后的文化。
1. translate:指将某种语言转换成另一种语言。
2. interpret:指根据上下文和意图将某种语言表达转换成另一种语言。
3. render:指将某个文字、声音或者形象转换成另一个形式。
4. convert:指通过改变形式或者性质来改变某个东西。
5. paraphrase:指用不同的措辞来表达相同的意思。