例句1:His personality is like Janus, always changing and unpredictable. (他的个性就像是Janus,总是变化多端、难以预测。)
例句2:The company's policy on sustainability is a Janus-faced approach, promoting green initiatives while also increasing profits. (公司在可持续发展方面的是一种Janus式的做法,既推广绿色倡议,又增加利润。)
例句3:The Janus-like nature of the film's protagonist makes it difficult to determine whether he is a hero or a villain. (电影主角具有类似Janus的特质,让人难以确定他是还是恶棍。)
例句4:The political party's Janus-faced stance on the issue has caused confusion among voters. (政党在这个问题上的Janus式立场让选民感到困惑。)
例句5:The novel's title, "The Janus Effect", reflects the main character's constant struggle between two conflicting identities. (小说的《Janus效应》反映了主角在两种矛盾身份之间不断挣扎。)
1. Ambivalent (形容词) - 指对某事物有两种截然相反的感情或态度,类似于Janus的双面性。
例句:She has an ambivalent attitude towards her job, sometimes loving it and other times hating it. (她对工作持有矛盾的态度,有时喜欢,有时讨厌。)
2. Dichotomous (形容词) - 指某事物具有两个对立的方面或特征。
例句:The dichotomous nature of the issue has caused debates among experts. (这个问题的两面性引发了专家们之间的争论。)
3. Contradictory (形容词) - 指某事物包含相互矛盾或不一致的内容。
例句:His statements were contradictory, making it difficult to understand his true intentions. (他的陈述相互矛盾,让人难以理解他真正的意图。)
4. Bifurcated (动词) - 指将某事物分成两部分或两种方向。
例句:The company's decision to bifurcate the project was met with mixed reactions from employees. (公司将项目分成两部分的决定引发了员工们不同的反应。)
5. Two-faced (形容词) - 指某人具有虚伪、欺骗性的双重性格。
例句:I can't trust him, he's so two-faced that I never know if he's telling the truth. (我无法相信他,他太虚伪了,我永远不知道他是在说真话。)