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导读:1 mileage是指行驶里程,也可以指汽车或其他交通工具的耗油量。:The car has a high mileage 这辆车的里程很高。2 mileage还可以

1.mileage是指行驶里程,也可以指汽车或其他交通工具的耗油量。:The car has a high mileage. 这辆车的里程很高。

2.mileage还可以指某个地点与另一个地点之间的距离。:The mileage from New York to Los Angeles is about 2,800 miles. 从纽约到洛杉矶的里程大约是2800英里。

3.在商业领域,mileage也可以指工作或业务所产生的效益或利润。:The new marketing strategy has increased the company's mileage. 新的营销策略增加了公司的效益。

4.在运动领域,mileage也可以指运动员每周或每月所跑步数。:I'm trying to increase my weekly mileage in preparation for the marathon. 我正在努力增加每周跑步数,为马拉松做准备。

5.mileage还可以用来比喻某件事物带来的利益或结果。:The new policy has a good mileage in terms of customer satisfaction. 这项新在顾客满意度方面有很好的效果。


1.mileage [mald] 是一个名词,发音为“迈-利-吉”,重音在第一音节。



1. The car's high mileage made it difficult to sell. 这辆车高的里程数使得很难卖出。

2. We need to calculate the mileage for our upcoming road trip. 我们需要计算即将进行的公路旅行的里程数。

3. The new job offer comes with a company car and a generous mileage allowance. 新的工作提供了一辆公司车和大额的里程津贴。

4. She increased her weekly running mileage by 10 miles in just one month. 她在一个月内就将每周跑步里程增加了10英里。

5. The new product launch had a great mileage in terms of sales and brand awareness. 新产品发布在销售额和品牌知名度方面都取得了巨大成功。


1.high mileage 高里程

2.calculate the mileage 计算里程数

3.mileage allowance 里程津贴

4.weekly mileage 每周跑步数

5.product launch's mileage 产品发布带来的效益


1.mileage 是指行驶里程,也可以指汽车或其他交通工具的耗油量。:The car has a high mileage. 这辆车的里程很高。

2.mileage 还可以指某个地点与另一个地点之间的距离。:The mileage from New York to Los Angeles is about 2,800 miles. 从纽约到洛杉矶的里程大约是2800英里。

3.mileage 在商业领域,也可以指工作或业务所产生的效益或利润。:The new marketing strategy has increased the company's mileage. 新的营销策略增加了公司的效益。

4.mileage 在运动领域,也可以指运动员每周或每月所跑步数。:I'm trying to increase my weekly mileage in preparation for the marathon. 我正在努力增加每周跑步数,为马拉松做准备。

5.mileage 还可以用来比喻某件事物带来的利益或结果。:The new policy has a good mileage in terms of customer satisfaction. 这项新在顾客满意度方面有很好的效果。

mileage is the distance that a vehicle has traveled, or the amount of fuel it has used.

1.high mileage - a large number of miles traveled

2.calculate the mileage - figure out how far something has traveled

3.mileage allowance - money given to cover the cost of travel

4.weekly mileage - number of miles traveled in a week

5.product launch's mileage - the success or impact of a product launch.

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