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导读:1 migrate是指人或动物迁徙到另一个地方居住,也可指数据、软件等从一种或转移到另一种或。:The birds migrate to the south fo

1. migrate是指人或动物迁徙到另一个地方居住,也可指数据、软件等从一种或转移到另一种或。:The birds migrate to the south for the winter.(这些鸟类为了过冬而迁徙到南方。)The company plans to migrate its data to a new software system.(该公司计划将其数据迁移到新的软件。)

2. [ma'ret]是migrate的正确发音,其中重音在第一音节上。

3. 用例1:Many people in rural areas migrate to the cities in search of better job opportunities.(许多农村地区的人们为了寻求更好的工作机会而迁徙到城市。)

用例2:The website will be temporarily unavailable as we are migrating our servers to a new location.(由于我们正在将服务器迁移到新的位置,网站将暂时无法访问。)

用例3:In order to survive, some animals have to migrate across long distances every year.(为了生存,一些动物每年不得不跨越长距离进行迁徙。)

用例4:The company decided to migrate its customer service hotline from overseas back to the local office.(公司决定将客服热线从海外迁回本地办公室。)

用例5:Due to climate change, many species of birds have altered their migration patterns in recent years.(由于气候变化,近年来许多鸟类物种改变了它们的迁徙模式。)

4. 组词:immigrate(移民)、emigrate(移居)、migration(迁徙)、migratory(迁徙的)、immigration(移民)等。

5. 中英文对照:


1. migrate是指人或动物迁徙到另一个地方居住,也可指数据、软件等从一种或转移到另一种或。:The birds migrate to the south for the winter.(这些鸟类为了过冬而迁徙到南方。)The company plans to migrate its data to a new software system.(该公司计划将其数据迁移到新的软件。)

2. [ma'ret]是migrate的正确发音,其中重音在第一音节上。

3. 用例1:Many people in rural areas migrate to the cities in search of better job opportunities.(许多农村地区的人们为了寻求更好的工作机会而迁徙到城市。)

用例2:The website will be temporarily unavailable as we are migrating our servers to a new location.(由于我们正在将服务器迁移到新的位置,网站将暂时无法访问。)

用例3:In order to survive, some animals have to migrate across long distances every year.(为了生存,一些动物每年不得不跨越长距离进行迁徙。)

用例4:The company decided to migrate its customer service hotline from overseas back to the local office.(公司决定将客服热线从海外迁回本地办公室。)

用例5:Due to climate change, many species of birds have altered their migration patterns in recent years.(由于气候变化,近年来许多鸟类物种改变了它们的迁徙模式。)

4. 组词:immigrate(移民)、emigrate(移居)、migration(迁徙)、migratory(迁徙的)、immigration(移民)等。

5. Migration refers to the movement of people or animals from one place to another, or the transfer of data, software, etc. from one system or platform to another. For example: The birds migrate to the south for the winter. The company plans to migrate its data to a new software system.

2. [ma'ret] is the correct pronunciation of migrate, with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Examples:

- Many people in rural areas migrate to cities in search of better job opportunities.

- The website will be temporarily unavailable as we are migrating our servers to a new location.

- In order to survive, some animals have to migrate across long distances every year.

- The company decided to migrate its customer service hotline from overseas back to the local office.

- Due to climate change, many species of birds have altered their migration patterns in recent years.

4. Related words: immigrate (to immigrate), emigrate (to emigrate), migration (migration), migratory (migratory), immigration (immigration), etc.

5. Summary:

Migrate is a verb that can be used to describe the movement of people or animals from one place to another, or the transfer of data, software, etc. from one system or platform to another. Its correct pronunciation is [ma'ret] with the stress on the first syllable. Examples of its usage include people migrating for better job opportunities, data being migrated to a new software system, and animals migrating for survival. Related words include immigrate, emigrate, migration, migratory, and immigration.

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