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导读:1 mimic是模仿的意思。mimic可以用作名词,表示模仿者,也可以用作动词,表示模仿或者效仿。2 mimic的读音为 mmk ,音标为[mimik]。3 m

1. mimic是模仿的意思。mimic可以用作名词,表示模仿者,也可以用作动词,表示模仿或者效仿。



- He is a great mimic and can imitate anyone's voice perfectly.(他是一个了不起的模仿者,可以完美地模仿任何人的声音。)

- The parrot can mimic the sound of a phone ringing.(这只鹦鹉能够模仿铃声。)

- She has a talent for mimicry and can imitate various accents flawlessly.(她有一种天赋,能够完美地模仿各种口音。)

- The comedian's mimic of the famous politician had the audience in stitches.(这位喜剧演员对著名家的模仿让观众捧腹大笑。)

- The child loves to mimic his favorite cartoon characters.(这个孩子喜欢模仿他最喜欢的卡通人物。)


- mimicry (n.) 模仿;拟态

- mimicker (n.) 模仿者

- mimicking (adj.) 模拟的;假装的


1. mimic是模仿的意思。mimic can be used as a noun, meaning an imitator, or as a verb, meaning to imitate or copy.

2. mimic的读音为/mmk/,音标为[mimik]。

3. mimic的用例:

- He is a great mimic and can imitate anyone's voice perfectly.(他是一个了不起的模仿者,可以完美地模仿任何人的声音。)

- The parrot can mimic the sound of a phone ringing.(这只鹦鹉能够模仿铃声。)

- She has a talent for mimicry and can imitate various accents flawlessly.(她有一种天赋,能够完美地模仿各种口音。)

- The comedian's mimic of the famous politician had the audience in stitches.(这位喜剧演员对著名家的模仿让观众捧腹大笑。)

- The child loves to mimic his favorite cartoon characters.(这个孩子喜欢模仿他最喜欢的卡通人物。)


- mimicry (n.) 模仿;拟态

- mimicker (n.) 模仿者

- mimicking (adj.) 模拟的;假装的

5.mimic means to imitate or copy someone or something.

6.mimic is often used in reference to someone who is good at imitating others, such as a comedian or impressionist. It can also be used to describe animals that can imitate human speech or sounds.

7.mimic can also have a negative connotation, implying that someone is not being genuine or is copying someone else's behavior.

8.Some common phrases with mimic are "mimicry of," "mimic someone's actions," and "mimic someone's mannerisms."

9.In literature, mimicry can also refer to the act of imitating a particular style or genre.

10.In biology, mimicry refers to the ability of certain animals to resemble other animals or objects in order to protect themselves from predators.

11.To mimic something means to copy it exactly, while to imitate something means to follow its example or model.

12.Overall, mimic is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts and has both positive and negative connotations.

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