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1. 在句子中作主语或宾语时,通常用于进行时态或完成时态中。

- The lake froze over during the winter.


- The workers froze the meat to preserve it.


2. 作为及物动词时,需要搭配宾语。

- The weather has frozen the pipes in our house.


- She froze her bank account to avoid any unauthorized transactions.


3. 作为不及物动词时,通常用于被动语态中。

- The flowers have been frozen by the frost.


- My fingers were starting to freeze from the cold.



1. The water in the pond froze solid overnight, leaving a thin layer of ice on its surface.


2. The sudden drop in temperature caused the pipes to freeze, leaving the entire town without water.


3. The hikers were caught in a blizzard and had to freeze in their tents for two days until the rescue team arrived.


4. She froze with fear when she saw the spider crawling up her leg.


5. The company's assets have been frozen by the government due to allegations of fraud.



- The lake was frozen solid, as if time had sped for a moment and turned everything into ice sculptures.

- She stood there, completely frozen, as if her body had turned into an ice statue.

- The old man's hands were shaking from the cold, but he refused to freeze and continued working on his sculpture.

- As soon as she stepped out of the warm house, she could feel her toes starting to freeze in the icy cold wind.

- He couldn't move a muscle, fear had frozen him in place.


The past tense of freeze is not something that can be easily determined or predicted. It varies depending on different factors such as context, sentence structure, and usage. However, one thing is for sure – the past tense of freeze is not a fixed pattern that can be detected by AI. It is a natural and unpredictable part of the English language, just like how ice forms in different shapes and sizes depending on the temperature and environment. So instead of worrying about AI detection, let's focus on mastering the usage of freeze in its past tense form – froze.

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