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1. 名词:end作为名词时,表示“结束”、“终点”、“结尾”的意思。它可以指时间、空间或某件事物的最后部分。

例句:The end of the year is approaching. (年底即将到来。)

The train station is at the end of this road. (火车站就在这条路的尽头。)

This is the end of our conversation. (这是我们对话的结尾。)

2. 动词:end作为动词时,主要有两种用法。

a) 结束:表示结束某件事情或某个过程。

例句:We need to end this meeting soon. (我们需要尽快结束这次。)

The movie ended with a happy ending. (电影以一个幸福的结局结束。)

b) 使终止:表示使某件事情或某个过程终止。

例句:I ended my relationship with him last month. (上个月我结束了与他的关系。)

The teacher ended the class early today. (老师今天提前结束了课堂教学。)

3. 形容词:end作为形容词时,意为“最后的”、“末尾的”。它通常用来修饰名词。

例句:The end result was disappointing. (最终结果令人失望。)

I always sit at the end table in the restaurant. (我总是坐在餐厅的末尾桌子上。)


1. The end of the book left me in tears.

2. We need to find a way to end this conflict peacefully.

3. The road ends at the of the mountain.

4. She ended her speech with a heartfelt thank you.

5. This is not the end, it's just the beginning.


1. The party came to an end when the police arrived.

2. The two countries have finally reached an agreement to end the war.

3. He was standing at one end of the bridge, looking out into the distance.

4. The company decided to end their partnership due to financial difficulties.

5. As we approached the end of our journey, we couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

6. The movie had a shocking twist at the very end that left everyone speechless.

7. She always saves her favorite food for last, leaving it for the very end of her meal.

8. The concert ended with a spectacular fireworks display that lit up the night sky.

9. We need to put an end to this destructive behavior before it's too late.

10.The book had a cliffhanger ending, leaving readers eagerly waiting for the next installment.

11.The road seemed endless as we drove towards our destination.

12.He tried his best to come up with a solution, but in the end, he had no choice but to give up.

13.The end of the year is a busy time for most companies as they try to meet their annual goals.

14.She was determined to see this project through to the end, no matter what challenges came her way.

15.The team scored a last-minute goal, securing their spot in the finals and bringing the match to an exciting end.

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