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导读:1 outdated是指某物或某人已经过时或陈旧,不再适用于当前的情况或环境。:These clothes are outdated and need to be replac

1. outdated是指某物或某人已经过时或陈旧,不再适用于当前的情况或环境。:These clothes are outdated and need to be replaced.(这些衣服已经过时,需要换掉。)

2. outdated的读音为 /atdetd/,重音在第二个音节上。

3. 例句:

(1)His ideas about education are completely outdated and no longer relevant in today's society.(他关于教育的想法完全过时,在当今社会已不再相关。)

(2)The technology they are using is outdated and cannot keep up with the current demands.(他们使用的技术已经过时,无法满足当前的需求。)

(3)The fashion industry is constantly changing, what was popular last year may be considered outdated now.(时尚界变化很快,去年流行的可能现在已被认为是过时的。)

(4)Many people still use outdated methods of communication, such as sending letters through mail instead of using email or social media.(许多人仍然使用过时的沟通方式,比如通过邮件寄信而不是使用电子邮件或社交媒体。)

(5)The company's policies were outdated and needed to be revised in order to stay competitive in the market.(公司的已经过时,需要进行修订以保持市场竞争力。)

4. 组词:outdated device (过时设备)、outdated information (过时信息)、outdated fashion (过时的时尚)、outdated technology (过时的技术)

5. 中英文对照:

(1)这种观点已经过时了,需要更新。(This idea is outdated and needs to be updated.)

(2)这部手机已经过时,我需要换一个新的。(This phone is outdated, I need to get a new one.)

(3)这本书虽然出版时间有点久远,但内容仍然很有价值。(Although this book was published a long time ago, its content is still valuable.)

(4)他的想法和观点都是过时的,需要跟上时代的发展。(His ideas and perspectives are all outdated, he needs to catch up with the times.)

(5)我们需要更新公司网站上的信息,因为很多都已经过时了。(We need to update the information on the company's website, as much of it is outdated.)

6. 总结:outdated是指某物或某人已经过时或陈旧,在当前情况下不再适用。它可以用来形容衣服、技术、思想、观点等。要注意及时更新信息和适应变化的环境,避免被认为是过时的。

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