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导读:1 offset是什么意思offset是一个英语单词,作名词时,表示“偏移”、“抵消”、“补偿”的意思。作动词时,表示“抵消”、“补偿”、“

1. offset是什么意思


2. offset的用法及例句解释

a) 名词用法

- 偏移:The offset of the building from the road provides a spacious front yard.(建筑物与马路的距离提供了宽敞的前院。)

- 抵消:The company used its profits to offset its losses in other areas.(公司利用其利润来抵消在其他领域的损失。)

- 补偿:The company offered a salary increase to offset the rising cost of living.(公司提供薪资增加以补偿生活成本上涨。)

b) 动词用法

- 抵消:The increase in sales has helped to offset the decrease in production.(销售额的增加有助于抵消生产量的减少。)

- 补偿:We need to find a way to offset the negative impact of this decision.(我们需要找到一种方式来补偿这个决定带来的负面影响。)

- 调整:We need to offset our expenses with some extra income.(我们需要用额外的收入来调整我们的开支。)

3. offset是什么意思,offset的用法及例句读音读法


4. offset是什么意思,offset的用法及例句的用例

- The company used its profits to offset its losses in other areas.


- We need to find a way to offset the negative impact of this decision.


- The increase in sales has helped to offset the decrease in production.


- The offset of the building from the road provides a spacious front yard.


- We need to offset our expenses with some extra income.


5. offset是什么意思,offset的用法及例句组词

- Offset printing:胶印

- Offset account:冲账账户

- Carbon offset:碳补偿

- Offset agreement:补偿协议

- Offset lithography:平版印刷

6. offset是什么意思,offset的用法及例句中英文对照

1) 偏移:The offset of the building from the road provides a spacious front yard. (建筑物与马路的距离提供了宽敞的前院。)

2) Offset printing:胶印

3) 抵消:The company used its profits to offset its losses in other areas.(公司利用其利润来抵消在其他领域的损失。)

4) Offset account:冲账账户

5) 补偿:The company offered a salary increase to offset the rising cost of living.(公司提供薪资增加以补偿生活成本上涨。)

6) Carbon offset:碳补偿

7) 调整:We need to offset our expenses with some extra income.(我们需要用额外的收入来调整我们的开支。)

8) Offset agreement:补偿协议

9) Offset lithography:平版印刷


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